Our goal is to introduce young people to community programs:
Here is a brief overview of the services they offer>>>
**Peckham, Inc,
**Child and Family Charities
**Corporation For Artistic Development (CAD)
Your Journey
Could being here
Peckham is a nonprofit vocational rehabilitation organization that specializes in training, employing and preparing individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment for workplace success in Manufacturing Services, Supply Chain Solutions, Business Services, Environmental, Apparel Sewing.
Child and Family Charities is a nonprofit organization that offers a group of programs like Gateway, Higher Ground, Crossroad, Street Outreach and Housing Young Families, Click on their Websites to learn More
Corporation For Artistic Development is a nonprofit organization that offers a group of assist programs for Aged Out Foster Care Youth, Teens and Special Needs Job Placement, On-The Job Training Programs, Life Coaching, Arts and Business Ownership Experience.